Brain Computer Interface for Gaming

Exclusive applications for the video games industry based on the Brain Computer Interface technology of Cortex Machina’s Vortex headset, equipped with 8 EEG sensors and high-quality audio.

Cortex Machina Technology

Software AI-based data analysis of 8 different emotions such as concentration, fatigue, engagement, mental workload… Simultaneous recording of game sequences and player brain waves for easy visual reading

Our Services

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Playtesting video games in development is essential to the commercial success of the project. Unfortunately, the tools available are still limited: questionnaires drawn up by the developers and video recordings to evaluate the testers’ reactions. Read more about the importance of playtesting in this article. For game development studios or specialist service providers, the use of the Vortex headset combines data collection with the recording of game sequences, providing objective results on UX, game design, authorial intent and much more. Thanks to a specific personal profile survey, the data collected from each player can be interpreted according to their profile (gender, age, origin, etc.).


The Esports market worldwide is projected to reach a revenue of US$4.3bn in 2024. By collecting and recording the brain activity of one or more players during training or a competition, the Vortex headset provides an objective analysis of the players’ performance for the coach or the players themselves.
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